Monday, February 8, 2010

Roofs and Windows

When I arrived yesterday, the first task I had been assigned was to complete priming the two windows (one side window and a side door drop sash) for the 319 with white primer. I did one side (photo) and then went to help out Joel Ahrendt and Greg Kepka, who were working on steel car 451. Since Saturday it had been moved into the heated portion of the Barn 2 diesel shop and the three of us got to work stripping the roof of the old canvas and roof boards. Unfortunately I haven't been able to retrieve the photos I took yet, but there was a photographer passing through who took this photo of me. After a while of this, I took off and returned to the car shop to put a final coat of white primer on the other side of those two windows. They're now ready for finish paint and/or installation.

Below left, the yellow thing is part of a new mechanism for locking up the 319 made for us by museum machining expert Mike Alterio in about 16 hours - thanks Mike! Below right, the three of us on the roof of the 451: Joel in the shadows on the left working on a ventilator, Greg in the middle removing canvas and yours truly on the right unscrewing roof boards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In round numbers, what's the cost of materials to re-canvas the roof of the 451 ?

John C