Bill Wulfert gave me copies of some interesting letters from the IRM files. These concern the 321, which as you may know was originally acquired as a parts source for the TM cars. Bill is always finding new things I haven't seen before. First is a letter sent by Warren Cobb in November of 1961 to Frank Sherwin, the owner of the foundry where the Museum's collection was stored at that time.
At first, they wanted to scrap the 321 at Wheaton, but when that wasn't allowed, they wanted permission to scrap the car at North Chicago. Of interest is the statement that (in 1961) "The car body is in very poor condition which all but precludes restoration." In the following 53 years it hasn't gotten much better, I'm afraid.
About eight months later, in July 1962 the three CA&E cars had been moved to North Chicago, and plans for the 321 had changed: So Warren writes to Mr. Sherwin again:
Of course, the plan to block off the windows, install baggage doors, and make the car look like a Sacramento Northern combine (!) never happened. Maybe they didn't realize that underneath the wooden siding the body contains 1/4" thick steel plates about 2' high which they would have to cut through without setting the rest of the car on fire. Good luck with that.
In the end, the car wasn't scrapped, and when the next barn is built and it goes back inside we will probably do some more cosmetic work on it, as an interesting display piece. But restoration to actual service is probably no closer now than it was in 1961. At least we won't sell it to the Diamond Scrap Co.!