Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Video of the 309 Dedication

The 309 dedication ceremony on July 5th was videotaped by Al Stasch, a commercial video producer. He generously sent us an 18-minute DVD of footage taken that day, and here are some excerpts. I decided to skip the speeches, which the DVD includes in full. I don't know about Ray or Nick, but after seeing the video I decided to fire my campaign manager and find some new speechwriters. Anyhow, on to the action!
First, breaking through the banner: Then, coupling the two cars together. I thought this might be interesting because you seldom see Van Dorn couplers in action: Then, we load the passengers and leave on the first trip: And thanks to Al Stasch for posting these to YouTube and helping with the html!

1 comment:

  1. Very good video! Any chance a copy of the full 18 minute DVD is available?


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