Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Help Buy the Trolleyville Cars!

A large collection of electric cars from the Trolleyville collection has been put up for sale, and of course IRM is very interested in acquiring several of the CA&E cars, possibly others. These cars are all in excellent condition, and can be operated in revenue service with very little work. They do not need huge long-term restoration projects like most of the acquisitions that become available.

$$$ But obviously this will be expensive, so we need your help! $$$

IRM will need money not only to purchase the cars, but to pay for their transportation from Cleveland, which will probably be nearly as much, and for indoor storage and track space. For more details, see the documents posted here, particularly the "Trolley Car Auction Letter." (Warning: link requires membership in IRM list on Yahoo.)

We need to submit our bid by October 1st at the latest, so donations to the Trolleyville fund are needed soon, or at least firm commitments.

I think you'll agree that IRM is the best possible permanent home for the CA&E cars. And as a reward, I'm ready to start running "Take the Throttle" type trips for anyone who makes a substantial contribution to the Trolleyville fund, either with the 308/309 we currently own, or with the new cars when we get them running.

Contributions should be sent directly to IRM. Be sure to indicate that this is for the Trolleyville collection. Write the word "Trolleyville" or "Brookins" or "Cleveland" on the check -- that ought to be clear enough. Thanks!!!


  1. Randy,

    Very interesting and exciting! A few cars come to mind from this collection that would be great to see back in the Chicago area. You say they will cost $$$$?? Do you mean like $1000/car or $5000 or $10000? Any cars that are specifically being eyed for acquisition?


    John Csoka
    IRM Western Division

  2. Well over $10,000 apiece. I cannot yet be more specific than that, as details are still being worked out.

  3. I think most of the up front expense will be in shipping the equipment. Some expenses which can be deferred for a short period of time are for building the barn that would store them.

  4. Sharing the news, sad to hear, but if museums like IRM can get them, all the better. Keep us posted.

  5. Is there some way that the IRRM website can be improved to make news of this importance available immediately to all members and interested persons? Unfortunately, users are not used to visiting regularly since the contents do not often change.

    Also, who is the current editor of Rail & Wire?

  6. Randy, you better quit using that IRM calendar. The blog says you posted August 11, Tuesday. Today is August 10, Monday. I think the post was there yesterday. I know you're anxious to get some contributions, but don't move so fast.

  7. Blogger has some very powerful management tools for a blog administrator to control the post date of information. Such controlls allow Randy to keep this post at the top of the page. He has almost total Winston Smith-Like authority to change the past, and even the future blog-wise


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