Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum

On Friday I was able to pay a brief visit to the...in North Judson, Ind. The museum was closed so I didn't get to see the C&O Berk or any of the other prides of the fleet stored inside, but here's a few pictures of what's available outside.

The depot looks very nice. Until one of us gets a chance to visit when the place is open, this is not a full treatment of the site.

This dispatcher's tower was recently moved to the property and is being restored. Spaulding used to look much like this.

On the left is the regular service caboose train. I'd have to say these IC Highliners look a little out of place.

And then there's South Shore cars 4 and 31, which have been scalped.

Finally, I suppose this is meant to be Thomas. It's a Porter 0-4-2T which went through several industrial owners before being saved. The museum's website has lots of information.

1 comment:

  1. Behind the South Shore cars, notice the "wire reel car" from South Shore 1100, the line car that is coming to IRM.


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