Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Art from Zach Ehlers

Our friend Zach Ehlers provided us with his latest artistic creation, CA&E 451 on the trolley loop at IRM. Thanks Zach!


  1. Terrific picture! Any idea when the "real" 451 will hit the trolley loop?
    Maybe a four-car steel train on the mainline?

    Thanks, Zach

  2. The 451 is still in the process of having the body painted. Jon F has been working on the side windows. The new end windows have been made for maybe 18 months but no effort made to fit and install them, apply the final finish coat of paint. There is still roof work needed, lettering. I am not aware that the interior has seen any cleaning or spruce up; does it need upholstery repairs, repainting? Electrical, control, and motor check out?

    In short it seems volunteer resources are the limiting factor with few seeming to have the interest or motivation to finish the project. Of course that is my opinion and observations, so step forward and prove me wrong!

    Bob Kutella

  3. IRM has mountains in the distance???

  4. I believe those are the trees that line the Boot Creek area.

  5. In response to the Mountain comment: If I read it correctly, it refers to the orangish bit to the right. This is meant to be an evening shot, (notice the dark bits, the bright reflection off of the side of 451, and the tail lamps), and the orange bit was part of my pitiful attempt at a sunset. ;)

    Otherwise, thanks for the comments. :)

  6. Very nice picture. I hope you keep up the art work. I do look forward to seeing more from you. Maybe we could talk sometime to the Art Car people and put up a full display of the art.

  7. Actually Joel, Ray Bellock has most of them. They have been in storage in the Art Train since I was there over Chicago weekend. There should be a display up and coming soon.

    Thanks for the comments,


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