Friday, October 7, 2011

Quick 319 Report

I spent much of the day Thursday working on repainting the main compartment of the 319, which I hope to get done over the winter.

Here are some before and after shots. Lots of sanding, filling, and painting with white primer.

I also talked to Rod about repairing triple valves, and he showed me the techniques he uses for lapping the surfaces. We looked at the valve from the 319.

And I walked out to check on the 321, as I often do.

And some contractors were sand-blasting this hopper on the connector track.

1 comment:

  1. For those interested in Randy's picture of the hopper, it is GN 70104 and we have been making repairs and doing other restoration work on it for the last three years. We are currently trying to get it repainted into the bright red GN scheme, and thus the pic of the contractor sandblasting it. This is a not inexpensive process, but will save us perhaps two plus years of volunteer efforts and result in a better longer lasting restoration.

    Bob Kutella


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