Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Paint

The Museum will be opening for the public this Sunday, and the first car cleaning session is this Saturday. So we need to get ready. I put a first finish coat on the remaining buzzer cord hanger, as seen here. Later in the day it was dry enough that I could reconnect the buzzer cord. The 319 will soon be ready for inspection.

Al Reinschmidt
was out again today and helped a lot. We finished scraping and sanding on the siding and the molding strip below the window sill, and then started applying a first coat of primer. He also helped me assemble the scaffolding so we can do a thorough job on the upper parts of the exterior.

And I did more paint removal on the #2 end. Photo by Al Reinschmidt, of course.

By the end of the day it looked like this. We also went out to look at the 321 again.

I hadn't really focused on this before, but the two ends of the car are slightly different. The #2 end (L) has two vertical molding strips on the corner posts, whereas the #1 end (R) has only one. Also, the #2 end has a different type of marker bracket casting than the #1 end and all our other cars, so I'm sure this dates back to some rebuilding on the CA&E.

Meanwhile, we've received some generous donations to the 309 fund to help pay for the seat acquisition, but more is needed. You can help! We're now planning on probably moving the seats in early May, since April seems to already be booked up with exciting IRM activities.

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