Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's About Time!

Frank writes...

I've been working on the 205 for nearly seven years off and on, in between helping with the CA&E cars and other projects.  It's about time it started to turn orange!!

But body repair and surface preparation, the time-consuming part, is basically complete and we can finally put the car back in Traction Orange for the first time in over 70 years.  Today I managed to roll a first coat of orange onto the entire side of the car between the doors, up to and including the belt rail.  In order to do the window posts I'll need to remove the windows, so that will wait until another day.  This is not the correct shade of orange; during our paint matching adventures last year we inadvertently acquired a gallon of incorrect orange which will serve admirably for a first coat.  The correct orange for the second coat is already on hand.

The Car Department was fairly busy; Rod and others switched out a car that had been blocking in the CA&E wood cars, the Michigan Electric crew was hard at work installing rebuilt windows in the 28, and a trio of spam cans was out in the yard being worked on as well.

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