Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Money, Money, Money

You've probably known people who are obsessed with money.  Money seems to be the only thing they can talk about.  Well, I guess I'm now one of them.  So if you haven't done so already, read about our incredible donation matching offer here.

Donations continue to come in.  For instance, Tom and Sharon Sharratt have donated $100 for coach storage. I think I'm keeping up with the correspondence, but let me know if you haven't gotten an acknowledgement.

And the brass hats have been heard from.  Jamie Kolanowski and Nick Kallas have recently made substantial donations to the Diesel Department indoor storage fund - thanks!  And then Jeron has threatened to send in even more.  So I guess I'm buying myself several hundred dollars' worth of good will from the Diesel Department.  I just hope they remember who I am.  I'll need plenty of expert advice and assistance when the time comes to install a Diesel generator in the 321.

Update:  The Diesel guys just don't quit.  Martin Both and Laddie Vitek have submitted big contributions.  It's a conspiracy!  What's happened to our buddies in the Car Dept.?


  1. Would it be a big deal to extend Barn 4 eventually? There looks like a good opportunity to lengthen both the barn and shop even if the tracks have to be reworked. Why did that barn get left shorter than the others when the electric collection is so large?

  2. That's a good question, but yes, I'm afraid it would be a big deal because of the location of the inspection pit, track 40, and the general arrangement of Car Dept. facilities. And there are probably other considerations, such as the revised flood plan, so it isn't going to happen.

    Barn 4 is shorter than the others because it was the first barn constructed. In fact, at first only the west half was built, and this was later extended east. When I joined IRM in 1974 it was the only indoor storage other than the steam shop, and it was fortunate that the 309 was inside. The collection was a lot smaller then. I hope that helps.

  3. That's too bad- it seems like at least a small missed opportunity. It would probably make a kickass car house to extend that barn with one or two more inspection pits to the east of the existing one on the same track. Not ideal for a display barn but good for additional indoor storage and workspace. The Zephyr probably would have liked it.

  4. Chris,

    I think it is important on us to foucs on what can be done, not what could have been done in the past. Now, IRM has an opportunity to build Barn 14, which is a big deal. That can only happen through generous contributions from people like us.


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