Thursday, June 13, 2013

Inspection #3

 Over the past two days I was able to complete inspection of the 319.  We would like to put it into service for the next few operating weekends, since the 309 has a defective grid box.  Frank is working on a replacement box, but until that can be installed, we'll have the 308 and 319 in service.  Furthermore, the 319 has a much better step design which is easier for many of our visitors.

Inspection was uneventful.  As we continue to maintain the cars to higher standards, and fix minor problems before they become major, defect rates go down, he said hopefully.  So pole piece clearances are unchanged, the motors look fine, the feed valve is still set on 72, right where it should be, both clocks read within tolerance, lubrication was no problem, and so on.  Of course, there are known problems that need attention, such as the awful roof that needs a complete replacement of canvas and running boards.  I would like to do that over the winter if it's feasible.  The car will be 100 years old next year, so it's time for another celebration!

 Speaking of celebrations, the Museum will be celebrating its 60th anniversary on July 6th with the world's greatest Trolleypalooza.  Sixty, count 'em, 60 electric cars will be operating in the annual pageant, at least that's the plan.  Our little part in this is to have four CA&E wood cars operating.  The 36 still needs several things done, but it should be available as an unpowered trailer in the middle of the four-car train.

One of the important things it needs is numbers.  Otherwise our friend Walt Stafa finds it hard to locate.  So I started painting the numbers, as seen here.  I did five out of the eight.  They need black outlines, which I'll get to as time permits.  This is much less strenuous than inspection, so it was a welcome break.  And Rod helped with ordering some new parts that will be needed to make the car level.  More about that later.

On Wednesday there were so many people doing so many different things, only Bob Kutella could possibly keep track of it all.  So watch the department blog.  On both days, though, the Bureau of Electricity was hard at work on Central Avenue.  Here we see him installing a new street light.  New steel line poles have been planted down both sides of the street, and the old wooden poles are being replaced.  Also, the trolley bus overhead is being changed from bracket arms to span wire. I don't know if this is part of the plan, but span wire at least makes it feasible to have wires over both lanes, to make passing easier.

Are you too a dad?  If so, your big day is coming up, and you need to let people know you'd like to go to IRM.  For free!


  1. Randall,
    You Sure Have That #36 looking Good! Thank you for the hard work!

    I hope somebody shoots pictures of that 60 car parade on July 4th weekend!

    Ted Miles
    IRM Member

  2. I am not the trolley bus guru but note that several steel line poles have come from Dayton in recent months. Those are the ones used along Central and now being wired up to span wire. I "THINK" the plan is to go to two lane overhead about south of the UP turbine and then west on Central, then north to the new paved area for an ETB loop.

    Bob Kutella

  3. I don't suppose you moved the first aid kit from the 309 to the 319. It's good that all three are done now.

  4. Joel: No, I still need to clean up the 319's interior, maybe today. I'll try to make sure both cars have the first aid boxes.


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