Friday, September 19, 2014

319 Report

On the radio they were promoting an exposition in Freeport of artworks created from salvaged material.  But you don't actually have to go all the way to Freeport; we've got your objets d'art made from salvaged material right here!

On Wednesday I was able to finish tacking down the canvas on one end of the 319, as seen here.

Meanwhile, the kit for the 972 truck is being assembled.  

And work continues on the 28.  Jeff is painting window guards.  These will be installed inside the car in the back platform, so that people don't accidentally break the big plate glass windows in the solarium rear end.

A couple of views of historic buildings at dusk.

On Thursday I continued working on the roof.  I might have gotten installation of the canvas more or less finished, but we had a couple of charter groups visiting, and a streetcar motorman was needed.  So I was volunteered into operating the 3142.  It's an interesting change from running trains on the main line.  And it's good to attract charter groups whenever we can.  One of them was a group of Lincoln/Mercury owners, so we had a smaller version of the old car show as well.

Well, tomorrow is Member's Day, and we can only hope the weather will allow us to operate.  See you there!

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