Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Wilkins Update, Part 3-Colorado: The Highest State

David writes.....

Evidently, sales of this book have picked up ever since Colorado made certain public policy changes recently:
What is one to do in Downtown Denver without a rental car? I found myself standing outside of a shop in downtown. The word "Pharmacy" was in quotation marks on the sign, and a Jamaican flag was hanging out front. Instead of exploring it, I decided to go find some railroad-related activity to explore. It was snowing pretty heavily the day I was there, so I opted out of a cab trip to the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden, which is mostly outdoors. I opted, instead for a trip to the Forney Museum in Denver. Randall has visited the museum before. Instead of rehashing Randall's visit, here are some observations:
They repainted the CB&Q business car in the paint scheme it wore in private ownership. The owners painted it up to celebrate the Illinois sesquicentennial.

I get a feeling that they chose to repaint the business car in this scheme as the car had an interior modified from its days on the Burlington.

The C&NW 4-6-0 is looking rather good, freshly repainted, right down to the tender herald:

I think this was a 1955 Chevrolet. My basis is the shape of the grille.  Any other guesses?

This former Colorado & Southern wooden coach hid some ghastly secrets:

The Denver cable car has an "interesting" journal box lid. 

Model T Fords do not have a lot of leg room.

The backhead of the Union Pacific Big Boy 4005 is well labeled. 

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