Saturday, July 30, 2016

58 Years Later

Dick Lukin, a long-time IRM member and an old friend of ours, was out at IRM today.  Dick has always been a great enthusiast of the CA&E, among other things such as the IC electric where he worked for many years.  Here are two pictures of him taken in 1958 at Wheaton, posing with cars 36 and 460. 

You can't keep a good man down.  Dick has been a generous supporter of IRM ever since, and today we went out for a fan trip on 460 around the car line and out on the main line.  We restaged the two photos above, and while the 36 is a different color, Dick hasn't aged much at all!

Thanks for helping make all this possible, Dick!!!


  1. I love the pictures of Dick in the same positions in the same cars. He has been a true asset to the museum.

  2. I was in the right place at the right time and had the honor of meeting Mr. Lukin this past Saturday.

    -Joe Stachler


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