Monday, August 8, 2016

Wulfert Slides - Scrapping CTA Cars

From Bill Wulfert, we have more slides for the deaccession list.  This is just a sample of the numerous photos of CTA 4000's being scrapped in the late seventies.  My comments are in italics.

S-350, S-366, S-368, 4279, S-351, Cornwall 14
Nov. 1978

IRM "Work Train" S-368, S-366, S-350
Nov. 1978

Interior of CTA S-366 (ex-4438) Congress Tool Car at IRM
Nov. 1978

S-368, ex 4386
Nov. 1978

CTA 4289 ready to be scrapped
Apr 21, 1979
(This is on the not-yet-complete carline, southeast of the trolley bus barn)

CTA S-366, 4279, 4289  on IRM scrap track
Apr 1979
(On the carline at Central Ave.  The waiting shelter is now just to the right.)

4289, 4279 being scrapped
Apr 1979
(This is at the switch to the tail track, with the Cretney barn in the background.)

Apr 1979

S-350 (ex-4318) being scrapped
July 1979

S-366, ex-4438, the Desplaines Ave. tool car & 4289 after burning
July 1979

McDonald's, Crystal Lake   (ex-4393, later S370)
Sept. 1984


  1. were those CTA cars acquired originally for parts?
    C Kronenwetter

  2. Yes, we acquired at least ten cars for parts in 1978, and they've been useful ever since.

  3. I wish I could get a rack of those hand holds.

  4. Chris: Send me an email and perhaps it can be arranged.


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