Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Holidays to You

I can't think of a better way to make the holidays happy than to take a train ride with Santa, and the elves, and presents, and so on.   So that's what I did.   First, here's what our train looks like:

Inside the diner, everything is set up for snacks and story telling:

Before visitors board the train, they can have their pictures taken on the front platform of this locomotive set up next to the loading area.

And our jolly crew looks like this:  (L to R)  An anonymous trainman, conductor Sam Polonetzky, trainmaster Paul Cronin, engineer Jamie Kolanowski.

And another, with Roger Kramer, Sam, Paul, Jamie, and assistant engineer Frank Nero.  Operations went smoothly and efficiently.

Santa comes through the car to talk to all the good little boys and girls. 

Mr. and Mrs. Santa and all the elves pose for a group portrait.

In the front car, we have a toy train constantly going around in a circle.   It's a tribute to our Track Dept. and operators that it never falls off the track.

The lighted wreath on the front of the cab car.

This tree is at least 20' tall.   Putting all those lights in place must have been a challenge.

Anyway, a good time was had by all.  Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves.   We still need trainmen.  And if you don't sign up, find some small children of your acquaintance to bring out to the Museum.   You'll be glad you did.


  1. Does CNW 411 still have HEP radiator issues other restoration projects holding it back from service?

  2. Nice photos, I have a question awhile back I saw a topic here where you mention IRM plans on acquiring a VIA ex CN Steam Generator Boxcar that will allow for extended operating periods after October and its been awhile since Ive heard any info on it, Has IRM acquired it and is just waiting for the opportunity to transport it to the museum or did the plan fell thru and it was sold to someone else? Plus I once heard that the CTA snow sweeper was once operational, do you know why it was taken out of service?

  3. I will let Paul or Roger answer the questions about the 411 and the steam generator car. In the meantime, the bilevels provide excellent cold weather service. As for the E223, our CSL snow sweeper, it has a cracked journal box. And it also still has CSL profile wheels, so it derails easily. But maybe some day it could be fixed.

  4. Can you guys operate the whole train from the cab car?

  5. And if you have bad track, extremely deep flanges and magnetraction still help!

  6. Aha, magnetraction! I'd forgotten about that. I wonder if we could magnetize all of our CSL wheels to keep them on the track?

    And in response to the previous question, sure, this is normal push-pull operation like on all the commuter lines. We generally have an engineer who remains in each cab to speed things up when changing ends.


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