Thursday, February 8, 2018

Wednesday Work

One thing we could easily take for granted is the work the Buildings and Grounds Dept. guys do to keep the property accessible during the winter.  It snowed overnight, and in the morning Dave Diamond was out with the big snowplow, clearing the streets as efficiently as any small town, so the rest of us can get to the barns and shops to continue working.  Thanks!  And so, in the wood shop:

Pete is painting a door for the Class B:

John Faulhaber seems to be pretty much done with the underbody parts for the 451, at least those that are already in the shop:

So they're loaded onto a cart and ready for transport:

Rich Witt certainly does high-quality work.  I'm not sure which car this baggage door goes to; Rich has been helping with several current projects, including the 65 roof work and the Pennsy cabin car.

The repainted train door was installed on the 36.  Dave Rogan and Gerry Dettloff helped me get it over to the barn and up onto the platform without scratching anything.

I put another coat of varnish on the new armrests for the 309.  One of them had some discoloration, which had to be removed and restained.  But three are ready for installation next time, with two more to follow.  I went through the car and checked the other seats; a couple needed screws or bolts tightened, but we're getting close to having all the seats reversible, for the first time at IRM.

Victor and Dave continue to paint parts for the Pennsy cabin car.

Buzz is installing the new planer.   This is the dust collection hose, of course.

Henry has been installing air piping in the Lean-3, and here he proudly shows off the new hose reel with the blower attachment.

Don't laugh at Henry.   He'll give you the air!

And this is the new planer.  Because of the way the motor is mounted, it feeds the work in the opposite direction to the table saw, i.e. west to east.  You probably do not want to try feeding the work into the planer the wrong way!

And Bob Olsen continues to work on Coach Dept. windows.

And as usual I missed a few others: Jack, Roger, John, Gerry, etc.  plus those working in other areas on the property.

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