Monday, November 18, 2019

Lights and Action

Saturday was shorter than usual for me due to other activities, but I started testing the electrical systems on the 451.  The MG set looks good and turns easily, and both commutators meggered good.  The control system needs battery power to activate it, and I ran out of time before I could test it.

I borrowed a battery charger and started charging.  This seems to be going well, but more charging needs to be done next time.  I was able to install new light bulbs and test the lights.

Meanwhile, things are getting set up for Happy Holidays Railway.

Interior views of the 1754:

Chuck Meter was painting the Cleveland PCC truck:

And as usual, there was lots more going on.

1 comment:

  1. Randall,
    That Elevated Car looks great! I am sorry we did not have time to show you the New York Elevated cars we have at Rio Vista, when you visited, Hope you will make another trip some day!

    Ted Miles, WRM Volunteer and IRM Member


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