Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Doodlebug Update

Gregg Wolfersheim sends us another update on the UP doodlebug:

It's been a busy summer at IRM, but occasionally I find a little time to work on the doodlebug. In June I retrieved some parts from storage and reworked them. These are the trim pieces that cover the joint lines between ceiling panels. They are curved near the outer ends to match the curvature of the roof/ceiling area.

  Here the two strips have been primed. Later they will get a coat of ivory to match the ceiling.

These are the window sill trim pieces. Three of them go on top of the steel sill, where your arm would rest of the window was open. The others go below in a horizontal position. 

The sill trim is in place. Top is black, and the side is in matching brown to the lower wall area.

Another view of the window area. Yes, the seats will need to be reproduced, as they are all very rotted out like everything wood in this car.

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