Sunday, April 17, 2022

Latest progress report on CTA 9631

Thanks to Richard Schauer for sending along a report of some exciting progress on our CTA trolley bus:

The final push has begun!  Enough hours were put in this past week to finish the upper street side and rear end, and we have a planned assignment in the paint booth for late this week or early next week.  This week will consist mainly of finishing up detail work on the body- like reassembling the rear compartment door- and then masking for paint.

Happy Easter, everyone, and stay tuned for very visible progress soon!


  1. What color scheme is it going to be painted in?

  2. Myron- It will be as-retired, green and white. You may guess our eventual plans for our other Chicago Marmon, 9553 (or should I say 553).

    R. W. Schauer


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