Friday, September 29, 2023

More Line Car Progress

 Gregg Wolfersheim reports on his continuing restoration of Illinois Terminal line car 1702:

On the 19th of September, masking of the line car body commenced. Pete mixed up 6 gallons of roof paint.

On top with the roller and tray the first coat went on.

Three gallons later, the first coat is done. The next day another gallon and a half.

Here is the third coat going on using an extension handle on the roller.

This past Monday, after a final coat the day before, the masking was removed.

Today the four posts were reinstalled for the platform hoist. Several of the roof saddles were test fitted also.

This is the 'IKEA' version of the deck. 32 twelve foot boards. They'll need to be cut to the proper length, primed and painted before assembly. Now, where is that Allen wrench....?

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