Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Memories of Frank Sirinek

Chris Buck sent along several photos showing off a couple of Frank Sirinek's restoration projects. First, three photos taken of the "Matchbox" around when it was completed in the late 1980s.

And then three photos from the dedication of the 3142 in 2001.

Since the car's motors came from Egypt, we invited the Egyptian Consul in Chicago, and he actually showed up, Egyptian flag in hand. He's the guy in the nice suit, of course! That flag sat on top of a bookcase in the museum office for years. That's Nick Kallas speaking in the second photo and Frank speaking in the third photo.


  1. Frank has a massive collection of slides, many boxes are labeled such as they have train and/or museum-related photos on them. I will make sure they find a suitable home for his fellow rail fans to enjoy.

  2. The Museum's Strahorn Library would be proud to be the new home of his collection.

    Barb Lanphier, Curator--Strahorn Library, IRM


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