Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesday Travelogue

Another productive day at the Museum saw progress with several ongoing projects.  I was able to put primer on all sides of the next three pieces for residing Jewell Road.

And I worked on some parts projects, and did some cleaning.

Several of the weekday guys were working on the 306.  Here it is in the new section of Barn 4.

The ceiling of the vestibule is being painted.  That's always a pain in the neck.

All doors have now been mounted, and work continues on making the door mechanisms operational.

Here John is removing the conduit for the heater circuits to be repaired.

Tim continues repainting the interior of the 1808.  It is now getting the correct colors, a delicious blend of chocolate and butterscotch.  Termites must find this an irresistible combination.

He works at blinding speed:

And on Monday, new LED lights were installed in the inspection pit.  This should be a big improvement when there's a car blocking the general illumination.

As I was lining up to take this shot, my camera gave me some advice: "Get a little closer".  Sure, and fall into the pit.  No thanks!

Electroliner Visit

I had a chance to visit with Ed Oslowski and the others on the Electroliner team.  They continue to make steady progress, but because the Liner is over in Barn 7, we don't often get to see what is being done.  They have a lot to be proud of.

New castings for the marker lights.

The motorman's cab in A1.  It's hard to get a picture of such a confined space.  Claustrophobes need not apply.

New parts for the narrow section of the door.

Old and new sections of the crossover plates.

Work is progressing in the tavern-lounge.

One of the problems is that SEPTA painted over a lot of the interior, such as the original naugahyde covering in the lounge area.  So this has to be replaced.

It's astounding how many parts there are to this train.  It's extremely complicated, compared to the old wooden cars we're more used to seeing.  But Ed and the others are keeping detailed records of everything they do, so that it can all be put back together correctly.  Thanks!!!

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