Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Caboose Update

 Buzz Morisette says:

I thought I would send a few pictures of work the Freight Dept. has done on the Milwaukee X-5001 caboose/business car this year.

An old photo, provided via the MRHA, shows the office area just after the 1979 rebuild to a superintendent's car:

Next is the extensive demolishing that had to be done to repair wood rot in the walls and floor. Note the sealed FRA glazed window that was added later:

Final photo from last week showing the new floor and finished repairs and painting.  Close at the left is one of the Brooks Stevens designed lounge chairs. Most likely recycled from the Priest Rapids, a Skytop lounge car scrapped in 1970 at the Milwaukee Shops.

Thanks to, and Happy Holidays from, the IRM Freight Department!


  1. This is a nice improvement to the interior of this car.

    1. Thanks Kirk, wish you were here to figure out the axle generator and speedometer. Enjoy the sunny South, Buzz.


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