Our whole extended family bought tickets to Happy Holiday Railway on Sunday and took the kids through the whole experience, including the fantastic Barn 6 light display, the streetcar ride, and (of course) the mainline train ride. I barely took any photos, and the ones I did take didn't turn out that great, but the experience was a ton of fun.
The weather was cold, but not too terrible, and the snow on the ground made for a festive atmosphere. We also went through Barn 3, with its assortment of passenger cars nicely done up for the holiday.A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers and staff who made this event happen! As I write this, HHR has just concluded, and we ended up with attendance roughly 30% higher than our previous record. This is due to the two new bi-levels that were added to the train this year, courtesy of the hard work of the Diesel Department crew, as well as all the additional staff and coordination that went with the new cars. This was the first year that HHR exceeded Day Out With Thomas as the museum's largest event by ticket volume, and given all the positive feedback, I am optimistic it will continue to grow. I certainly look forward to it being a "new tradition" for our family!
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