Monday, February 1, 2016

There will be a quiz

Frank writes...

I've been doing a fair amount of traveling for business lately, as I usually do during the winter, and this past weekend found me in close proximity to the piece of traction equipment pictured below.  So how about a pop quiz: who can figure out where I was without resorting to Google or PNAERC?


  1. Seal Beach. That's a former PE line car which houses a local museum. Sure with they'd fix that dang roof!

  2. Bingo! And yes it would definitely look better with no tarp and a decent roof. It is a nice display though and looked generally well kept up.

  3. You can tell by the Dr. Seuss trees that you are in the LA basin :) Maybe they can run it on the San Pedro trolley line?

  4. Folks,
    Unfortunately, the San Pedro "Red Cars" heritage streetcar line is out of business or soon will be. I am a lot closer than Union and I wish I had ridden the line myself.

    Ted Miles
    IRM Member in California


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