Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Replica Railbus

 Let's say you're the town of Grafton, and you'd like to have the Illinois Terminal railbus that ran from Alton to Grafton on display at your Visitor's Center.  But the actual historic railbus is already restored and securely in place at a museum:


So, now what do you do?

Well, you start to construct a replica -- by kitbashing what's left of a schoolbus with a freight car truck and a spare wheelset. 

The bus body is missing the floor, windows, seats, and most of  the body panels, but at least it still has its rear tires and steering wheel.

Unfortunately, there was no one at the Visitor's Center to answer questions, so I don't know exactly who's doing the work, how long they've been at it, and so on.  But we can certainly wish them well!

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