Friday, January 5, 2018

Photo and Historical Collections

The following collections of photos and other historical materials are hosted on the Hicks Car Works blog.

Notice: All photographs are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission.

Color movies of the CA&E taken by Ed Allen during the 1950s and 1960s

A series of color photos taken by Glenn Andersen of IRM, ERHS, and Chicago transit scenes from the 1950s and 1960s

Black-and-white photos of a wide range of Chicago area traction subjects taken during the 1950s and 1960s by Ronald J. Delhaye

Color photos taken by Ron Doerr of scenes at IRM, mostly during the 1980s

Color slides of the last days of CA&E passenger service taken in the mid-1950s by Bob Heinlein

A large collection of photos collected by Julie Johnson, both color and black-and-white and spanning several decades, which forms a photographic roster of the CA&E wood fleet

A wide range of color and b&w photographs from the Krambles-Peterson Archive depicting a variety of subjects, with history articles researched and written for this blog by Art Peterson

Photos taken by Ray Proffer of the CA&E during the last days of CA&E passenger service

Photos taken by Ed Mizerocki showing the IRM collection at North Chicago, the move, and the early days at Union

Early photos of the CA&E right of way

Several dozen photos from the late Cliff Reims, mostly black-and-white and dating to the 1930s and 1940s, showing mainly east coast streetcar and traction operations

Historical articles about Illinois traction lines assembled using records and photos collected over many years by Stephen Scalzo

A collection of hundreds of photos of traction subjects across the country taken or purchased by William Schmidt and provided by his son Peter Schmidt

Photographs of the Pittsburgh Butler Harmony & Newcastle interurban system from friend and former volunteer Walt Stafa

Original photographs and documents from the W.T. Van Dorn Manufacturing Company of Chicago that were donated to IRM by Larry Larson

Color photos taken of railway museums in 1971 by Gregg Wolfersheim

A variety of color slides taken between the 1970s and 1990s of IRM and Chicago transit subjects by Bill Wulfert

Various photos, many unattributed, culled from the museum's archives

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