Sunday, December 8, 2024

Saturday Snapshots

On Saturday, HHR was in full swing.  Everything seemed to be going well.  I had signed up for the cushy job of Streetcar Relief, which provides ample time during the day for taking pictures or talking about Car Dept. projects with the people involved.

Several projects in the car shop were continuing:

Fred Zimmerman assembles a rebuilt controller for the 306.

Tim spreads glue on ceiling panels for the 1268.

...helped by Buzz.

One of the unsung heroes of HHR:  Bob Opal is there just about every day, all day, providing holiday-themed musical entertainment in the depot:

On the car line, Chris  Czyzewski was running the 3142:

Keith Letsche was conductor on the 749:

Marcus was motorman during the day, later relieved by Zach.

And some twilight views:

As twilight approached, the 749 received a headlight:

And the oil-fired marker lights:

And as always, there were many others helping out whom I missed.

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