Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Heavy Lift Department Update

Many thanks to our friend Paul Krot, who sends along an update from the IRM Heavy Lift Department!

The Heavy Lift Department's CNW tool car is receiving some long overdue cosmetic maintenance.  Pictured from left to right are Jeff, Steve, Ralph, Crystal and Paul behind the camera.  We are looking at having this car finished by the end of July and have the wrecker’s boom idler flat in for work as soon as the space is vacated. [Ed. - this is a very historic car, one of only a couple of survivors of the 1936 City of Denver train that was jointly operated by the UP and C&NW. More history here. IRM's two ex-CofD cars are rare examples of cars built in UP yellow and brown, before they switched to yellow and grey.]
I found this “vintage” ad while doing more cleanup inside the tool car and found it pretty amusing.  It may be in poor taste to share but I thought I’d throw it out there.

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