Saturday, July 20, 2024

More Thomas

Another day of Thomas went well.  A lot of people put in a lot of effort to make these four busy days a success, and I certainly can't begin to list them all.  A great deal of thanks is due to everyone who helped; most of them spent a lot more time on Thomas than I did.  One sad note: our old friend Larry Stone was planning to fly in from Nevada for a second weekend, but his flight yesterday was cancelled due to the airline computer snafu, so he had to stay home.

Just a few more pictures:

Meanwhile, deep in the mysterious caverns of Barn 4, a few of the regulars continued on their chosen projects, trying to avoid being dragooned into picking up trash or something.  Here Tim was getting ready to apply numbers to the 1808.

Bill was cleaning the group covers.

And Ed was working on parts for the Cleveland PCC.

Last names have been omitted to protect the guilty.

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