Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chicago Day, Part III: First Blood

As was mentioned in the two above posts, I was up at IRM this weekend to help Randy on the 277, and provide a brief assist to Frank on the 205.

What wasn't mentioned was what happened to my right index finger at the end of the day. I was helping Randy close up Barn 8 by closing the doors at the track-end of the barn. While placing one of the metal security bars across the door, which would prevent intruders from opening the doors, the bar slipped from my hands and I pinched by finger because my right hand was under the bar.

Lots of bleeding ensued. Thankfully Frank helped me clean and dress the wound, and after a couple of bandage changings, cleaning with peroxide, it looks a lot better.

This is probably a good time to talk about shop safety. Always be aware of your surroundings, including, but not limited to, potential pinch hazards. Had I done this, I wouldn't have pinched by finger, and had to deal with the resulting bleeding/soreness, etc. In other words, don't do what I did!

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