Saturday, November 5, 2011

Think "North"

Today was mostly more painting; the weather is seasonable and things went well. I put a second finish coat on the four windows for car 36. I also decided that the 36's interior color is different from the 319, so I'll have to get it matched sometime.

And then more painting of the walls in the main compartment.

And I walked out to 14 to check on the 321; all is well.

Bill Wulfert handed me a card which he had found; it's a standard Bob Bruneau color card. One side is a solid blue of a familiar tint; the other side has this label in Bob's handwriting. What's interesting here is the date: this is just two weeks after the 309 burned. Evidently the idea of repainting the car blue had surfaced immediately after the fire.

The word for today is "North." As in North Shore seats. I spoke to a couple of people today, and plans for transporting the seats are in good shape. If anyone wants to help, let me know. And North Freedom, where we'll be going. And maybe even as in North Pole. Remember, Santa's gonna find out who's naughty or nice, so it would be nice if you made a donation!

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