Thursday, February 2, 2012

36 Report

It's uncanny -- most of what happened today seemed to be a repetition of the last time I was out at the Museum.... there was a strange feeling of déjà vu. I wonder why that would be?

Anyhow, it took a few hours, but the next control jumper socket was installed, as seen here. It has the alligator clips for the light box connected for electrical testing.

And as before, here's the junction box at the #1 end with the new wires.

And as usual, there was more paint removal.

I also made a test installation of the next kit. This one has a much longer cable run, because it's on the opposite side of the car from the junction box, but it should be easier to install. The length is just right.

And here's a quick view of the interior with all the lights on. I actually think I like this lighting arrangement better than the one in the later series of cars.


Anonymous said...

Deja vu?? Would that have anything to do with the date of FEBRUARY 2 and the theme of the Bill Murray movie GROUNDHOG DAY, much of which was filmed in nearby Woodstock? I understand that town plays off of this fame and has their own groundhog, Woodstock Willie.

Bob Kutella

Anonymous said...

I know it is hard to make predictions; but do you think you will have the car running during the museum's operating season?

There could be a four car train ow wooden interurbans!

Ted Miles
IRM Member

Randall Hicks said...

I see you like to put me on the spot, Ted. I suppose I can say it's not impossible, but I can't make any promises. I sure won't have it repainted.

If the body is leveled, it can at least be a control trailer!