Our loyal readers keep contributing interesting photos. First,
Chuck Amstein has a photo he took on a visit to Japan (and he has lots more, if anyone's interested!) We've been discussing how to turn a rail-bound automobile around on a center turntable jack -- here's the same thing done with a steam locomotive! I'm sure this is a very small loco by U.S. standards. Notice the man on the right, and the track gauge for all the steam railroads in Japan was 3'6", until the bullet trains came along. Still, especially with a little tank engine like this, what's the big advantage of turning it around in the first place???

And Stephen Scalzo has some more pictures from the Snowflake special. (R) This is a good comparison of the new cars with the Highliners. Among other things, they have the operating cab on the upper level, as on all the push-pull gallery cars. We'll have to plan on providing extra-high storage tracks in Barn 37 or so to handle them, I suppose. And again, thanks to Chuck and Stephen!!
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