Sunday, February 3, 2019

Saturday Report

During last week's record cold spell, there was relatively little activity out at the Museum.  Tim Peters, who lives nearby, thought this was just fine.  He was there every day, and with nobody else around for a week, he was able to varnish all of the ceiling panels for the 1754 in the shop without danger of anybody generating sawdust to ruin the finish.

But when Saturday rolled around, there was a lot of pent-up energy among the regulars to do something.  And so there was a good-sized crowd hard at work most of the day. 

Tim switched over to stripping more ceiling parts.

Buzz was making rails and stiles for new windows for the Green Bay car.

Here Chuck Meter and Ed Woytula are deciding what needs to be done on this truck for the Cleveland PCC:

Fred Zimmerman is repainting seat pedestals for the 757:

And there were several other projects I didn't get a picture of.  Victor and Bill were working on the Pennsy cabin car, as usual.  Fred and I spent much of the day removing parts left in the shop and putting them into storage, under Joel's direction.  Nick and Thomas were working on the baldy.   And I'm sure I'm forgetting several things.  But a good time was had by all.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the seat pedestals in the last photo, those are actually from North Shore 757. Lucas and I wire wheeled and began priming them last week. Nice to see that they're getting the finish paint.

Cliff McKay