Monday, September 9, 2024

277 Progress Report

 Another dramatic submission from Gregg Wolfersheim:

The right side of the combine is coming together. Most of the painting is done. Baggage rack is back up.

The left side is another story. Previous water damage has turned some of the veneer into a peeling mess. Some of it had been treated with epoxy to fill in what was gone. Here I have sanded what painted surfaces I can get to.

Later, I primed most of it. The bare spots are where delamination has occurred. Next will be filling it in with epoxy. Hopefully most of the baggage section will be done by this weekend, as the train is scheduled to operate for Museum Showcase.

The lower wall area is getting transformed too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see this car getting some restoration. Bob Bruneau would be pleased!