Today I spent most of my time doing the outlining on the letterboard on the south side of the 309. It was Chicago Day, and lots of stuff was happening, so I didn't even think about trying to wye the car. I used the rolling platform as described earlier, and moved the car five feet at a time. It worked just fine. That took hours, but you'll just have to wait, my impatient friends, to see the results. And I also did some miscellaneous touch-ups on some of the other lettering, including the #1 end. And I installed the replacement lithographs, as seen here, in about ten minutes. The replacement photographs were generously supplied by
Julie Johnson, and I made new frames.
I also helped Rod and Stan with a switch move to put the Class B at the door of Barn 8, so it can be inspected for the pageant.
Len Halter built up one of our trolley shoes with new weld. He did an amazingly good job, as always. Here he is to the left, but you'll have to take my word for it that it's him, I guess. Thanks, Lenny!

And the Electroliner was moved over to the "wash track," where it was washed by hand by
Charlie Strong. It had gotten pretty dusty sitting in the barn all these years. Rumor has it we'd like to pull it out more often for people to view and take pictures of, even though it doesn't run under its own power. What could be nicer?
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