Saturday, April 28, 2012

This is a Test

If this had been an actual emergency, at least we would all have nice new rulebooks to help us deal with it.

Today was mostly taken up with meetings. The events were held at Chevelle's Bar and Grill, which is located in the old Legion Hall we all know and love. I need to write a restaurant review for Chevelle's some time, but meanwhile I'm sure all of us at the Rail Road Muesium appreciate their cooperation. In the morning, all three of us took the rules test and passed. Whew, that was close!

I then had some time to clean up all the parts of the 308's feed valve and reassemble it. I ran out of time to test it, however, since we decided to go have lunch instead. And in the afternoon, we went back to the hall for the annual Safety Meeting. The new rule books were distributed, and Harold Krewer did a very thorough and painstaking job of explaining what has changed and what hasn't for everyone who will be operating this year, assisted by Bob Opal and Ray Weart.

And we will be posting news of what happens at the Annual Meeting later this evening as it occurs. So don't touch that dial!

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