Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Quick Update

Today's report will be brief, as I didn't have much time available.  I spent a couple of hours helping some friends of the Museum with access to some of our historic documents for a research project, and did some cleaning and straightening in the 453 and 321.  But let's see what else was going on today.

Tim continues to work on the interior of the 50th Avenue station.  The ticket booth is being completed:

and he's attaching the baseboards:

He also pointed out the new end posts for the 2872, which arrived yesterday from a lumber mill in Michigan that specializes in projects like this.  We don't have the tools to make posts this size.

Meanwhile, revenue service was being provided by Ron Seavers on the 409.

And there was switching going on.  This particular string is all Milwaukee Road.

And I stopped in briefly to check on progress inside the Electroliner.  It looks great!

The dining car is awaiting the new floor.

By the way, remember to stop in at the Used Book Store on Central.
They've probably got something you want!

The other day we happened to stop at the antique village in Lockport.  I hadn't been there for a while, and the Symington depot looks much better now, and is being well maintained:

The track in front of it is just a short section, about 100' long.   They have several other historic buildings:

And something that IRM could really use: a calaboose!

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