Sunday, February 5, 2023

The First Trolley Pageant

Seeing all the slides from the Ron Doerr collection gave me a new appreciation for pictures of IRM back in the old days.  I believe the first real trolley pageant, using the new streetcar loop, was on August 1, 1982, and Frank and I were there.  All of these slides were taken by my father, Allan Hicks, since I was busy.   We can't compete with Mr. Doerr in terms of quantity, but I hope these are interesting.

The equipment shown is generally pretty obvious, so I have only added captions to identify people where possible.

Copyright by Hicks Car Works, may not be reproduced without permission.


I believe the motorman is Herold Wind.

??? and Jeff Brady in the foreground.  (Stay tuned)

Is that Ray Schmid running the 604?

Not sure on this one.

This is the 309, by the way.

Bob Opal in his bell bottoms hopping the pole for me.

That's probably Ed Arnold on the rear step.

The Liberty Liner had only recently arrived.  This is on the lead to Barn 3.

The Zephyr was still stored in Yard 1.


Steve D. said...

Oops! It appears that image PICT0100.JPG (the Red Arrow train) has been flopped. Can you remedy that? !=}#

Robert Banke said...

Interesting photos! But it looks like the 2nd to last photo (showing the wye from the depot) is also flopped (scanned backwards?)...

Randall Hicks said...

Those have been fixed -- thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...

I never saw the Zephyr stored at Yard 1. When I visited IRM for the first time in 1984 it was kept indoors in Barn 8 (now today's Barn 9)

Robert - IRM member

Jason said...

What happened to the building that is labled "Central Avenue"? Ive never seen it before.

Dennis Storzek said...

That was Nick's original hot dog stand, home of the famous "Green Weenies". It was built about '78 or so, and had the first year round rest room facilities on the property, that also featured showers. It was torn down when the Diner Annex was opened and the pavilion constructed in its place.

Ray Schmid said...

Yes, that’s probably me running the NSL 604. I had been recently helping to install the trolley wire over the new trolley loop. I think I also operated the NSL 251 that day for a couple of trips. At the time we were so glad to have the hot dog stand with heated rest rooms. The hot dogs were okay. We also called them “Nick’s Death Dogs”!

Gregg Wolfersheim said...

I believe the photo with Jeff Brady is with Dave Dote, not Bob Rayunec. And, the pic of 431 on the east Wye might be Ed Arnold on the rear step. Gregg Wolfersheim

Randall Hicks said...

That image is rather blurry, maybe I should try rescanning the slide. And I had also thought that's probably Ed Arnold on the 431, but I wasn't sure.