Sunday, April 9, 2023

Spectacular Saturday

Saturday was a beautiful day out at the Museum, and we had a capacity crowd for the final day of Bunny Hop.  Here are just a couple of pictures of the activities.  If you missed it this year, you'll just have to wait!

There were two interurban trains running on the main line, 409 and 431, and 251 and 749 (seen below in the distance!)

And we had three streetcars running, including the 1374:

As he often does, Roger was selling cookies as a fundraiser.  

Back in the car shop, Tim continued installing new panels in the 1808:

And I spent most of my time stripping the other side of the 460's smoker door.  

Out in the barn, track 42 has been completed, though it still needs to be leveled and tamped.

Somehow I failed to get a picture of the 415, which was over the pit as Joel and the others worked to get it ready to go over to Barn 2 for repainting.

Of course, as usual there were many other things going on in the other departments, and I guess you just had to be there. 

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