Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Weekend Report

Many thanks to our intrepid ace reporter Steven, who sends along this account of the weekend's activities.

Saturday was Snow Removal Day at IRM. Mikey, Nathan, Jimmy, Will, and I headed out clearing the pit lead, and most of the railhead around the switches in 6 and 7.

Pictured below are the huge snow drifts along the doors of Barn 6. The snow blower didn't make it long enough to tackle these. Pending the arrival of parts, and Nathan reassembling the blower, the drifts must be removed by hand so we can get equipment out soon.
Another shot looking out towards Barns 7 and 8. In some spots it was really difficult to see where the rails were due to all the snow. 
Nathan is seen with the blower dealing with the even higher drifts of Barn 4. In some spots it was close to 4 feet of snow against the doors. 
The final photo shows the work Jimmy and I did around Yard 7. It didn't look like much, but with temperatures hovering around 5 degrees, it was quite exhausting.  


Sunday was a day of many small tasks for most of us. My work was getting the masking tape off of 749's windows after Zach, Jeff Obarek, and I painted them up over the last few weekends. These windows are ready to go back into 749 whenever the weather warms up a bit.

Next up are some photos of the museum's new Taylor Dunn vehicles. Nathan and Joel are in the process of inspecting one of these to see what needs to be done to get it operational again. 

The final photo is of CSL 144. The goal is to clean up the car a little and make sure everything is ready for Frank Sirinek's memorial service later this year. 


Anonymous said...

Are the Taylor Dunn's the electric version? It would be interested to adopt work car colors for some traction line, perhaps lighting accessories or some such for fun. CTA yellow?

Will K said...

The Taylor Dunn in question is electric. Word has it that it may turn a shade of traction orange in the near future.