Thursday, May 30, 2024

Shanty Slide Show

Now that inspections are pretty much over and it has stopped raining for a while, it's time to get back to work on fixing up the Jewell Road waiting shanty.  Here's what the west side looked like when I started in the morning.

The main problem remaining is that the two long siding boards over the window need to be replaced.  I had one already made; it was trimmed to fit in the wood shop. 

Here the lower board has been split lengthwise, and half of it removed:

And here it is completely gone.  It may not be obvious, but the space above the window was crammed full of old wasp nests.  Luckily there were no signs of life, and I used a long stick to clean it all out.

And now the new wood can go into place:

There are a few more wood parts for the window frame; I have the measurements and will make them at home.  I also need a good supply of caulk to fill the gaps and seal any possibility of leaks.

And then I painted all the new wood, plus a second coat on parts that had already been painted blue.

And finally, a second coat of red.  

By the way, I don't object to people looking inside -- there's not much to see, and nothing worth stealing.  But please latch the door when you leave to keep rain from getting in.  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Paul Hough says the renovated Jewel Road Shanty could be your new summer home!

Paul Hough said...

Has a location for the shanty been found on the IRM campus?

Randall Hicks said...

There are a couple of possible locations, but no decision has been taken yet, as far as I know. I wouldn't mind moving to a better neighborhood. The shack next door is still pretty decrepit.