Monday, July 22, 2024

Are You Busy?

Weekday operations resume their usual peaceful character, now that Thomas is over.  Monday was another relatively relaxing day at IRM, and given a choice, I was able to run the 431.  Everything went well.  We had two school groups visiting, and they chose to take the same trip at noon, so the car was jam-packed with kids, but everyone had a great time.  Later in the day, Harold stopped by with some of his friends, one of whom got to run one of the trips.  It helps to be friends with the boss!

But the problem is that we need more weekday operators during the summer.  We would really like to have two cars in operation on weekdays, one mainline car and one streetcar.  Our visitors deserve no less, and we need help.  Obviously, that's not possible for most of you who have to work for a living, but retired people such as myself and college students on summer break could make a big difference in improving our visitors' experience.  And if you don't already know how to operate these cars, here's the oldest joke in the book:  we'll TRAIN you!  If you can drive a car, you can run a train.
(End of public service announcement)

I didn't have much opportunity to see what was going on in Barn 4, but over in 8 Fritz and Pete were busy installing the new sliding doors they've made for the 213.

This is really an interesting car, and it would be great to make it operational.


Anonymous said...

Can 16 years old volunteer?

Andy Oswald

Randall Hicks said...

I believe you have to be 18, or accompanied by a parent or guardian.