Thursday, July 11, 2024

Progress Resumes

You might have wondered why there hadn't been any progress reports for a while.  The answer is mainly that we had a family gathering so the cousins could all see each other.  We even went to IRM one day and had a ride on the 309. 

 And here they are all sitting on the bench in Barn 9.  Everybody wave!

Well, that was fun, but now it's back to work.  I wanted to trace the lettering on some of these station signs in our collection for use on Jewell Road, but with the rotary converter immediately below I decided I had no really safe way to get at them.  

But the Warrenville sign is sitting on the ground, so that served to provide most of the letters I need.

And then I finished painting the west wall of the shelter.  Now we just wait for moving day.

And then I spent some time in the 451 removing a couple of seat backs.  The seats in this car will go to the upholstery shop, and the refurbished ones will be installed in the 460.  In this picture, you can see a reupholstered seat back covered with plastic.

That's going to be a big improvement.  Our thanks again to everyone who has helped with this project!

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