It's time once again to list some of the highlights of the past year. As always, additions and corrections are welcome!
Completion of the Barn 4 extension and reconstruction of Yard 4 East.
The ITS annual meeting was held at IRM and was a great success, including the first public operation of the 1702.
The C&NW Historical Society archives building opened on Main Street.
Special days such as Pumpkin, Thomas, Vintage Transport, and Happy Holiday Railway all went well. With the addition of new cars and fireworks, HHR in particular was a greater success than ever!
The museum received two Heritage Rail Alliance Achievement Awards, for the restoration of the 1702 and the construction of the C&NWHS building.
Operation of both the Decapod and the Shay several times this year.
The volunteer entrance road, Museum Drive, was paved.
Three new passenger cars were added to the collection: two ex-C&NW bi-levels and a Milwaukee Road "buffeteria" car.
As usual, operations proceeded smoothly and safely during the year, thanks to the vigilance of our Operating Department.
We can't list all the restoration projects that were either completed or made significant progress this year. Ones that come immediately to mind are: IT 1702 (completed), AE&FRE 306, and CRT 1808
Perhaps most importantly, we have several new active volunteers. We are certainly grateful for their help, and hope they will stay with us for a long time!
IF you like what you see, you can help by sending a tax-deductible donation to the Illinois Railway Museum. See the "fundraising" box at the top of this column. Thanks! And if you're a member, we can always use more hands-on help, too!
The "Hicks Locomotive and Car Works" banner at the top is taken from original artwork of the company, which was in business from 1897 to 1911. The picture behind it shows the four restored CA&E wood cars at the Museum, starting with #309, which was built by the Hicks Locomotive and Car Works in 1907.
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Our Current Projects
CA&E 36, 308, 309, and 319
For 2025, the 309 and 319 should be available for revenue service. The 308 may be used as a trailer. The 36 has a broken leaf spring, and fixing this will be a priority.
CA&E 451, 453, and 460
We are working on reupholstering the seats in these cars.
Shaker Heights 18
The 18 is operational; repairs and repainting are now underway.
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