One of the advantages of being a recognized expert in a particular field is that you can always count on having things to do. Tim, for instance, is a recognized expert on rattan seats, so he gets to take a break from working on the 1268 to patch up seats for the 3142, which is of course one of our mainstays for regular operation. And as you can see here, some of the seats need repairs.
He knows how to soak the rattan, apply the canvas backing, and so on.
Later in the day, he had help from Mike Stauber and Steve Iversen. Steve has to drive up from Oklahoma, and he did so in order to go to the Soiree for the first time. He said he was afraid nobody knows who he is any more.
That's not a problem with us, but just in case, that's him on the left. A great guy to get to know.
As for me, I continued working on repairing the structure of the Jewell Road shelter, with new wood. I'm taking these pictures as I go along for my own future reference, and I might as well post them here. So please bear with me.
In the northwest corner, you can see that the top rails are badly rotted out, as well as the upper parts of the studs. The roof is sort of floating.
So I start removing the inner siding and what's left of the rails:
Behind them is the top outer slat, which is also in need of replacement. But I can do that from outside, later.
Here is the replacement wood for the rails. Right now it's supported in place with temporary braces. Additional wood will be sistered into the studs to actually support the structure, and shimmed as needed.
And that stud in the middle will be replaced.
Finally, let's see what a couple of pieces of new siding look like. There's a lot to replace.