Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"Streetcar Available"

Our old friend Ron Smolen informs us that a streetcar body inside a spaghetti restaurant in Columbus, O. is available, because the building is about to be demolished, after part of the roof collapsed.  This body didn't appear on either PNAERC or the "chicken coop" list, but from the two pictures at this link it looks like it might have been legit.  I certainly want nothing to do with it, but there it is for the historical record. 

Though if you want it, you'd better act now!  :)

Frank adds...

It is indeed legit, or at least parts of it are. I'm reasonably certain it's an ex-Dallas Railway & Terminal 111-115 series double-truck Birney that was built by American in 1922 for Texas Interurban Railway as part of the TIRy 100-104 series. I'm not sure how much of the wood is original; these spaghetti restaurant cars vary a lot, from cars with mostly original wood to cars that look like they were torn down to a steel skeleton and all the original wood replaced by house construction-grade wood.

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