Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inspecting the 3142

I was hoping to do inspection on the 309 today, but due to the intermittent rain and the need to finish inspection on the 3142, it didn't get done. But it will soon, I hope.

So I helped Frank Sirinek and Stan Wdowikowski with inspecting the 3142 for a while. No problems were discovered, and the car should be ready for service.

Here we see Frank and Stan looking at one of the motors. The entire motor inspection can be done from inside the car once the hatches are removed.

Here is a closer view of Stan inspecting a motor. His right hand is pointing at the commutator and one of the brush holders. His feet are resting on the motor case; to the right of his shoe is the gear case, and below it, one of the axle caps. This is so much easier than on the interurban cars.

Frank also purchased two gallons of canvas paint for the 277 for me, which are now in storage. Thanks, Frank!!

After the 3142 was done, I did most of the lubrication on the 309 over in Barn 8. I also did some more interior work on the 277, as seen here. (L)

(R) Another view, same camera without the flash. Weird, isn't it?

In other news, Tim Peters was painting the letterboards on the 1268, and they look great.

Bob Kutella is his usual cheerful self in spite of the continuing problems with his right hand. We discussed the steps needed to start turning out new corner posts and other large molding pieces on our "new" shaper which is nearly ready for service. It will be exciting, to say the least.

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